Embedding in a website

Since a T+V Play channel is essentially a web page with a unique web address, you can also embed this in any website.

Embed Code

To embed a channel, add the following HTML code to your website at spot where the channel should be shown:

<iframe src="[YOUR SHAREABLE PLAYBACK ADDRESS]" width="[WIDTH]" height="[HEIGHT]" 
        scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Then follow the following steps:

  1. Get the shareable playback address of your channel, which you can find by clicking on the play icon in the channel and selection Option 3 - Shared with others as web link.
  2. Add https:// in front of the address, so that an address like screens.tplusv.tv/channels/42AsaofX9Jy/show becomes https://screens.tplusv.tv/channels/42AsaofX9Jy/show
  3. Replace [YOUR SHAREABLE PLAYBACK ADDRESS] in the above embed code with the address from the previous step
  4. Replace [WIDTH] and [HEIGHT] with the size you like the channel to have on your website. Keep in mind that it is best to have these dimensions be of the same aspect ratio as your channel. So, in case of the default 16:9 aspect ratio, you could choose a width and height of 960 and 540, for example.


There are a couple of things to be aware of when embedding a T+V Play channel in your website:

  1. It is important to use the shareable playback address instead of the regular playback address, otherwise playback will count towards the available screen licenses.
  2. A channel that is played via the shareable playback address will automatically stop playing after half an hour.
  3. On most mobile devices (and specifically iPhones) video will not play automatically. This is a restriction imposed by the phone manufacturers to protect mobile users from unexpectedly consuming large amounts of mobile data.
  4. Because the channel must be embedded via a secure HTTPS connection, it is not possible to display another web page within the channel using the Web page app with an unsecure HTTP address; therefore, that address must always start with https://.