
In the settings section, click Users in the column on the right hand side to access the list of current users. You can add new users and remove existing ones. However, you can never delete your own user account with which you are logged in. In addition, you can change a user's password from here.

Within T+V Play a user's e-mail address may only occur once, because this is used as a unique user name to log in with. If you want to add a user account with an e-mail address that has been used before in another subscription, then just send us an e-mail and we'll take care of it.

Alternatively, you can also scroll down to the list of users on the company overview page (which is the first page that opens when you click Settings on your dashboard).

Two-factor authentication

For extra security, we highly recommend using two-factor authentication. This way you will not only be asked for your email and password when logging in, but also for a one time code that is generated by a device that you own: your smartphone. On your smartphone you need a so called TOTP (Time-based One Time Password) authentication app, like Google Authenticator or Authy (but there are many more that you can use).

To setup two-factor authentication, select Your profile from the little person icon on the top right of the dashboard. If you have login method E-mail and password selected, you will see the Enable two-factor authentication button which you can click. The next page displays a unique QR code that you need to scan with the TOTP app of your choice. This creates an entry for T+V Play in the app and will show the first one-time code that you need to fill out along with your password. After this, you're good to go. The next time you log in, you will be prompted for the one time code that expires after 30 seconds as an additional login requirement.

Log In With Google or Microsoft

When you add users, you can choose how you like them to log in: with their e-mail address and password or by using their existing Google or Microsoft account. In the latter case, make sure that you fill out the e-mail address of the Google or Microsoft account. Then, when that user chooses to log in with Google or Microsoft from the login page, T+V Play will match the user's e-mail address with the e-mail address of the Google/Microsoft account and it will log him/her into the system.


A user can usually have one of the following roles:

Role Explanation
Company administrator In addition to being able to create, manage and publish all content as an author, this person also has access to all settings of a company, such as: company data, subscription data, user management, dashboard management, management of playback devices, overview of active screen sessions, etc.
Technical administrator This person can only see the current active screen sessions and manage playback devices and activity monitors (if applicable). He/she cannot access any content or other settings.
Editor This person can create, manage and publish all content on the dashboards to which he has access.
Author This person can create and edit pages on the dashboards to which he has access. However, he can not publish these changes. The changes become visible only if they have been approved by an editor or company administrator. An additional restriction is that an author cannot edit pages that are used as a background page.


When you create or edit a user, you also need to select the dashboard(s) the user should have access to. You can do this below the label Allowed to access dashboards. Please note that if you forget to select a dashboard, you will get a warning message because a user won't be able to log in without having access to at least one dashboard.

The same permission can be configured from the dashboard management page: there you can configure what users should have access to a specific dashboard.

Act As Another User

As an administrator, you can put yourself in the shoes of a user with a "lower role". This is convenient if you need to view the system as he/she sees it when providing support. To to this, go to the user list and select the option Act as this user. This will switch you over to that user's role. Notice that the user icon in the top right corner of the dashboard is now colored orange. This is to indicate that you are now impersonating another user. To switch back, click on that user icon and select Back to myself.

Note that if you change content as another user, both your name and that of your "alter ego" will be logged in the change history.